How My Solo Album Happened
Dear, Hello There.
Sometime around the end of 1998, my dear and amazing buddy Alex was visiting my house. He knows everything. He showed me the most superficial, broad stroke rudiments of ProTools and I started fucking around. A week or two went by and I was out dancing through the filthy streets of Chicago when I ran into a fella who goes by the name of Mike. Mike is an extremely industrious and good looking man. He grabbed me violently by my dry and flakey shoulders and screamed at the top of his carbon flavored lungs, “YOU’RE MAKING A SOLO RECORD AND I’M PUTTING IT OUT WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” He was right about the first part. I rented a saxophone for 2 months, I borrowed some guitars and some drums, I rummaged through the kitchen, I squeezed a fat cat, I poked and prodded and ended up with my very own music. It’s real good, if you like that kind of shit. I named it Tonight You Look Like A Spider after a spider I saw one night.
David Lambeth Yow
Editor’s Note: the “Mike” Mr Yow refers to above is in fact Mike Patton, and his label Ipecac Recordings. David Yow’s amazing debut album is available for pre-order here: