When you purchase from the Joyful Noise website you are directly supporting the artists and people responsible for creating these albums. Joyful Noise is not just a random retailer... We are a group of about 10 people who work directly with the artists to help create the very albums you are purchasing. Every release on our site is the result of a partnership between us and the folks who made the music.
When you purchase an album from our site, it comes from us. Orders are shipped to you from our headquarters in Indiana, packaged by the very people who helped bring these albums into the world. And 100% of your money goes to support that album.
By contrast, if you order from an Amazon-like retailer, the people who benefit are the middlemen. The artist/label only receive about 50% of the money you pay for a record... which means the artist walks away with a fraction of the money.
Every dime of profit we receive is split 50/50 with our artists. Ordering direct is the most effective way to get money into the hands of these amazing musicians, and keep this crazy label going.
Thank you for your support!
xo JNR
If you're a believer in the cause, and want to help us continue to do the crazy stuff we do, please consider becoming a VIP Member.
It's no secret that the music industry is a complete financial fuck storm. It's more difficult than ever for bands and labels to survive off of recorded music. In other countries like Australia, Canada, Denmark, and the Netherlands, government arts grants are available to help artists and creative businesses like ours to survive. Unfortunately the US government isn't so enlightened. So we look to our community for support.
Much like when you contribute to a podcast or your local NPR station, or when you become a member of a local co-op, VIP Membership gives you special perks while also providing us with sustainable income. As a VIP you’ll get access to exclusive limited vinyl, early digital content, concert tickets, and much more.
VIP Members help us to support our amazing artists, and give us the freedom to prioritize art over commerce, so that we don’t have to release some bullshit just because it sells. And in return, our VIPs get access to the most special and limited Joyful Noise releases, while directly supporting our label and artists.