Melk The G6-49

Melk The G6-49

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Melk's self-titled album was recorded in seven-hours--all songs are first-takes; no overdubbing was used, and the sound is RAW. All the traditional melodies and musical conventions have been stripped away leaving the bare bones of an epic hard-rock opus. It is relentless, it's loud, it's mathy, it's symphonic without being rigidly structured. I'm not sure that Melk could properly be considered a 'noise' band, because this is not shapeless distortion. Beneath the pirouetting curlicues of feedback and the convulsive pulse of the drums--there is a geometry and there is a message. If you could run an MRI on this album it would look like a brain in the grips of a religious seizure. In fact, it's been described as 'noise-prayer.' If you have any interest in finding out what that sounds like, check this album out.

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