Dale Crover

Piso Mojado

Catalog #: JNR341    Release Date: 05/27/20

$ 127.00 USD  

  • Dale Crover - Piso Mojado - Lathe-cut
  • Dale Crover (photo by Adam Harding)
  • Dale Crover - Piso Mojado
HURRY! Only 0 Remaining


Informative Video

‘Piso Mojado’ is the new “five sided record” from Dale Crover. The custom lathe-cut design features four distinct spindle-holes, and five corresponding songs. Each record is hand-made, and extremely limited. 

‘Piso Mojado’ is made in the style of Dale’s previous insane lathe-cut, Skins. Like ‘Skins’ and the ‘Thunder Pinky’ cymbal/record hybrid, this release is limited to just 127 copies, is handmade by our lathe-guru Mike Dixon, and signed by Dale himself. But on ‘Piso Mojado’, we stepped up our game in the packaging department...

Each copy is packaged inside a super thick, custom designed and built acrylic jacket. Calling it a “jacket” doesn’t seem to really do it justice... The thing is 1/2 inch thick and is screwed together with bolts for fuck's sake.


Audio Fidelity: These are lo-fi, mono records, each individually cut using 1940s technology. Do not expect the audio to have the same fidelity as a modern pressed record.

Turntable Setup: Lathe-cut records have more shallow grooves than pressed records, which can make them difficult to play. Adjustments to your standard turntable setup may be required. 

A Note About The Price: We understand the price is high, but we assure you that is for good reason. Each of the 127 copies required over an hour of work to cut individually on a 1940s record lathe, not to mention the costs involved in the custom hand-built packaging, or the countless hours that were put into the design, composition and recording. Believe us, no one is profiteering off of this release... If you cannot afford this art object, please don't stretch your budget. Feel free to buy Dale's full-length here and just enjoy the music. But to those who can afford it, you can comfort yourself in the knowledge that this is one of the most unique records in the world, and totally worth the price. 

Track Listing / CREDITS
  • The Bowie Mix (1:59)
  • Moclips (3:39)
  • New Pharaoh (1:19)
  • Piso Mojado (1:19)
  • Supine is How I Found Him (1:18)

Dale Crover -- Drums, percussion, guitar, vocals 
Toshi Kasai --  Jaw Harp on “Moclips”
Recorded & mixed at SOS studios by Toshi Kasai
Produced by Deaf Nephews (Crover/Kasai)
Lathe-cutting by Mike Dixon 
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