Happy Holiday Hangovers From Joyful Noise!
A terrible pulsing in the brainstem, as if a Ridley-Scott style alien might burst out of the back of our skulls. Bleeding from the eyesockets and other orifices. Violent and–frankly–bizarre digestive disturbances.
What’s wrong with everyone at Joyful Noise today? Did we contract Ebola? The Black Plague?
Nope! These are merely symptoms of excessive Holiday Cheer from our year-end party last night! Thanks Story Inn, for hosting us in amazing style! Thanks, Karl’s dad (owner of the Story Inn), for making this high-class celebration feasible for our humble label!
2013 was Joyful Noise’s best year ever. It was our best year ever because of the amazing artists who put out records with us in the past 12 months. Due to long-distances & inclement weather, only Jorma was able to join us this time. But all of you were there in spirit, and in the form of our after-hours playlist.
Thanks most of all to Kiely Holden for organizing everything, for picking out gifts for all the staff, and for generally being the sole, unipolar source of everything heartwarming and humane that happens at Joyful Noise. Without you Kiely, no doubt, we would have celebrated the holidays by working.
Clark Dallas is about to sing an aria.
Uncle Jorma had fun.
Brendan, little do you know that Joyful Noise’s plan B for 2014 is to sub-couch-surf on the couch you will be surfing on in Brooklyn. Collectively.
Braintwins make all of the thank you notes and illustrations for Joyful Noise. And so much more stuff we can’t possibly list it all here.
David J Woodruff & Sons makes sure that everything comes out looking classy.
MINDCONTROL PR makes sure that the will of the masses is being subjugated to Joyful Noise’s top-secret, sinister agenda of selling weird music to people in obsolete technological formats.
The interns make sure that all the work gets done. Thanks guys! We couldn’t do it without you!