Announcement: We launched a new website!
Yes indeed, JNR has migrated to a new and improved website platform!
First of all: thank you soooooooooo much for being patient with us as we navigate this insanely complex world of e-commerce. We know that many of you have experienced frustrations with our old site - and we understand how infuriating it can be to miss out on limited edition releases due to the site crashing or being slow. Believe us, it’s just as frustrating on our end. Nothing is worse than rolling out an exciting new release, which results in our loyal customers being rightfully pissed off due to our failed technology.
Anyway, we are making a giant leap toward correcting this problem. We have switched over to a new website platform, which is a “hosted solution” (completely different than our previous self-hosted platform), and we have hired a dedicated webmaster to keep the site running smoothly. No reason to get into the technical details, but suffice it to say that the days of cripplingly slow speeds and site crashes are behind us.