WLS - December 2020

The final installment of the 2020 White Label Series is Raging Slab Sisterslab and the Boogie Coalition: Vol. I -- as curated by THE Dale Crover.

Raging Slab! Being some what of a late comer to them, they had a few records out already, but I had heard their current record at the time Dynamite Monster Boogie Concert and was hooked on them! So much so that I wrote a fan letter to the band and got one back from one of their three slide guitarists, Elyse Steinman! This was the start of a long friendship with Elyse, her husband and lead singer/ guitarist Greg Stzrempka and bassist Alec Morton.
Elyse and Greg lived on a farm in a remote area of Pennsyltucky. I visited the farm a few times and discovered that they were huge collectors of kitschy, 60’s/ 70’s pop culture art/ toys/ film and huge lovers of all kinds music. We had similar tastes. I ended up playing drums with them for a few shows and some recording when the band was in between drummers. It was a real blast and they were fun people to hang and play music with!
In the summer of 2014 I got an email from Elyse telling me she’d been diagnosed with lung cancer. Ugh! This was not going to get her down though. She told me that music would be the cosmic healer. She told Greg that she wanted to sing and record songs that she loved. I immediately wrote back and offered to play drums. This piece of wax that you hold in your hot, little hand is the result of those recordings.
Elyse passed away March 30, 2017 after a three year battle against cancer. One of her requests was that a rock concert be held in her honor. There were two, one in NYC and one in LA. I played with the band in Los Angeles. There was a lot of love for Elyse in that room and I could feel her presence while performing.
I’d like to thank Joyful Noise for giving me the opportunity to curate a record. I’m happy to have found a home for these recordings. I’d also like to thank Greg! I know this was a hard task to finish. And Alec, for his input. Elyse would be so happy about all of this! Forever in our hearts! Boogie!
—Dale Crover

Raging Slab
Sisterslab and the Boogie Coalition: Vol. I
(December 1, 2020)
Sisterslab and the Boogie Coalition: Vol. I
(December 1, 2020)
- Teachin' Blues
- Beggar's Day
- Be Stiff
- Billy Joe Young
- Slow Death
- Devil
- Friendzy
- As Long As I Live
Follow Raging Slab online: BANDCAMP FACEBOOK
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